Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 19

Welcome back!  This morning we kicked off our study of community helpers by welcoming one of our very own nurses, Nikki McClure!  The kids were great listeners while learning about all of the important jobs a nurse has.  They asked very good questions as well!  Check out this website, it has many level A texts (some are a bit challenging) that you and your child can read online about community helpers!

Mrs. McClure had the kids listen to their hearts, lungs, and digestive systems.  The kids also made their own stethoscope from a styrofoam cup!

The kids practiced being nurses by cleaning hands to administer care for a pretend cut.

We read a nonfiction book about the jobs people do in Everybody Works.  We began talking about the main idea.  They learned three new vocabulary words; volunteer, responsible,and protecting.

In math we continued practicing our addition.  We learned that adding 0 does not change a number.  We added finger towers to practice adding fluently to 5. 

The kids had library today!  I apologize that our calendar does not match the correct letter day!  I get all confused when the big kids have school and we don't!  Tomorrow will be music.  If your kiddo forgot to bring their book, send it with them tomorrow and we will make sure it gets returned.  Thanks!

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