Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6

I was so impressed by the kids' writing today!  They wrote sentences telling how to build a snowman.  They used the words first, then/next/second, and last.  Most were able to start with a capitol, end with a period, and use spaces between words!  I was one proud teacher!

We reviewed the story Bear Snores On.  The kids helped me sequence the events in the story.  Then they practiced retelling with a partner.  They also practiced reading words from the -ig and -in families. 

They helped sort foods on the food pyramid.  We talked about why we need healthy foods.  Dairy gives us strong bones, meat gives us strong muscles, fruits and vegetables give us vitamins and minerals, and grain gives us energy.  We played a game of musical chairs.  When the music stopped this kids sat on a chair with a food magnet on it.  If it was healthy they were able to stay in the game.  If it was unhealthy they headed to the rug to sort foods on the food pyramid.

We ended our day with mad minute and building 3D shapes out of play-doh.  We talked about the faces that each shape had and other attributes to describe them.

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