Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 20

When I was getting ready this morning I was thinking of all of the reasons I am thankful.  Of course I am thankful for my family, my health, and our home.  I am also thankful that I have a job that I enjoy coming to.  I am thankful that I have a classroom full of students that try their best, treat others nicely, and smile a lot!  I am so thankful to have landed here at Sunflower and have loved every minute of this year!  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your families!

Today we made the beautiful Mayflower art that your child brought home.  It was a detailed project and they did a great job with it. 

We also read a poem about the Thanksgiving story.  The kids made a retell bracelet to help them tell the story of how the pilgrims came to the new land.  See if your kiddo can tell it to you!

To wrap up our day we had another mystery reader!  It was Addison McClure's brother Jake!  He did a fantastic job and picked a book that sparked some great discussion. 

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