Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1

Wow!  Can you believe it is already October??  I guess I should figure out some costumes soon...

Thank you for your patience during my time without a home computer.  I apologize for not posting on Friday.  We had a wonderful time eating yummy food with our families at the Kindergarten Picnic!  Thank you for coming and bringing delicious goodies! 

Today we colored our Yy page yellow and glued yarn on it!  The kids are so excited that we are almost to Zz!  They are very curious what we will do when there are no more letters.  We also worked on writing the letter Hh in our handwriting books. 

This week we are going to work on writing sentences that start with an uppercase letter, have spaces, and end with a period.  First we will write a sentence together.  Then we will cut apart the sentence we wrote to practice sentence structure.  Finally the kids will be asked to write a sentence on their own using the pictures taken during my home visits.

During our Story Town reading lesson today we had a special visitor, Mr. Mortenson.  He observed that 95% of our kids are actively engaged in the lesson, that is impressive!  We are working on saying the sounds in consonant-vowel-consonant words, blending the sounds, and then reading the words.  We read a rhyming story called The Little School Bus.  The kids were able to name the characters and the setting, see if your child remembers!  They also helped me read during this patterned text.  We learned three new fancy words, proceed (which Ethan told us means, "Do your thing!" Nice job Ethan!), apparel, and sly.

During math we are getting ready for our number writing assessment.  Today we practiced writing numbers by filling in our October calendar.  Just so there is no confusion, I made a mistake on the student calendar, the Fall party is on November 2nd not October 31st!

1 comment:

  1. We had fun at the picnic on Friday! Several asked for the following granola recipe, and if the maker of the potatoes or the broccoli salad could share their recipe, my taste-buds would thank you!

    Basic Granola
    3 C rolled oats
    1 & 1/2 C whole wheat flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 C olive oil
    1/2 C honey
    1 tsp vanilla

    Mix it all up and spread it out on a baking sheet or cake pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes @ 250 degrees. Stir a few times so it evenly browns.

    Add extra ingredients for taste and variety.
    I usually add chopped nuts (almonds) to the mix, though I didn't for the picnic. I did add chocolate chips! I sprinkle them over it right after baking and stir around a bit as they melt.
