Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Okay, remember what I said yesterday about having the specials schedule fixed, well...I was wrong!  Our kids had Library today instead of music.  The wonderful Mrs. Preston allowed all of the students to check out a book even if there book was not returned.  I have updated the schedule to the right (hopefully it will be the LAST time!).

Besides the great schedule mix-up, our day was great!  We had a special handwriting lesson from Mrs. Reid.  She taught us the proper way to hold our pencils and crayons.  Our thumb should be bent, pointer points to the tip, and tall man uses his side.  We learned the correct way to form the letter N.

Jillian did her WILD report.  We learned that she loves homemade gold fish!  I may have mentioned that she should bring those in for her snack day!  She also brought in a box of Zhu Zhu Pets.  She let them zoom around our rug, the kids thought they were pretty cool!

We also reviewed our rules, added glitter to our green Gs, and reviewed our 2D and 3D shapes.

Tomorrow we get to be on the news "live from the Eagle's nest" for being the top class in cookie dough sales!  We are going to challenge the rest of the school to do as well as we are doing.  Hopefully on Friday we will be enjoying some YUMMY popcorn for retaining our title!  Thank you for supporting PTO!

See you tomorrow!

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