Sunday, August 23, 2015

First Full Week!

We had a great first FULL week of first grade!  It was jam packed with learning rules, procedures, our first assembly, beautiful weather for recess, math, art, and building our stamina during read to self!  This kids went shopping for books to fill their bins, learned their jobs and mine, and we set the timer!  Our number one goal during read to self is to become better readers. They are asked to
1. Be quiet.
2. Read the WHOLE time!
3. Stay in your spot.
4. Pay attention.
5. Get right to work!

They were disappointed when our first practice only lasted 45 seconds.  By the end of the week they had built their stamina to a whoppin' 7 minutes!!!  That is incredible!  I am looking forward to teaching them the rest of the Daily 5 in the coming weeks.

Next week we will continue learning about 5 groups and partners of totals up to 10 during math.  The kiddos will get their writing folders and we will officially launch our writing workshop.  During social studies we will continue to practice our rules and routines as well as learn about our school community and leaders.

I was excited to see all of the fundraising slips come in on Friday!  Our PTO rocks!  This is our big fundraiser that helps pay for field trips and classroom materials.  I am hoping to purchase some Legos, circuit boards, and K'nex to set up a makerspace for kids to tinker at!

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday with your family!  See you tomorrow!

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