Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2

As the kids came in this morning they drew pictures of the people that help them learn.  During writing we used their drawings to make a chart of people that we could write friendly letters to.  We reviewed the parts that make up a friendly letter.  We added another sentence to the letter we are writing to Mr. Mortenson.  Then the kiddos got busy writing the greeting on their letters.

During reading we played mystery words.  I gave clues as the kids tried to figure out the three letter words.  Then they were asked to switch one letter to make a new mystery word.  We also reviewed the story Wake Up Little Polar Bear.  We learned three new vocabulary words; peek, lively, and arise.

We had fun finishing up our animal reports during reading groups and we started a drawing of the animal.

In math we practiced subtraction story problems and did a mad minute.

Don't forget to let me know if you would like to help paint faces on Friday morning from 8:30-10:00!!  It should be a really fun time for the kids!

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